In XBMC there's a nice feature that allows the user to jump to entries
starting with a specific letter in (all, I guess) list views.
This is done by holding down and pressing the desired letter …
In XBMC there's a nice feature that allows the user to jump to entries
starting with a specific letter in (all, I guess) list views.
This is done by holding down and pressing the desired letter …
I was trying to play music from VK and YouTube, but scrobbler type me this message:
![7b957a99b4 1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13871004/9359042/cf9412d8-4697-11e5-8730-256d27cbb406.png…
I downloaded wekan-0.11.0-rc2 release, extracted and builded it. Here is the log of building:
nvm use v0.10.40
Now using node v0.10.40 (npm v1.4.28)
npm install
npm WARN package.json…
I've referred to the docs and tried to implement isomorphic rendering but console threw these errors
Safari & Chrome
Would such a filter be feasible, and would it be possible for it to also detect when virtual modifiers have been released?
I am using `com.mikepenz:material-design-iconic-typeface:` and iconcis 2.5.11. It works in debug build. But in release build after dexguard shrinking and obfuscation. All icons disappeared.…
Fedora 23, foobnix-3.1.2 git commit 0edb412cf0255217a47f4c9db598eded9d15ab64 беда
[maxim@localhost ~]$ foobnix
/usr/bin/foobnix:9: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a versio…
ghost updated
8 years ago
Just posting this for anyone interested (latest FontAwesome v4.2.0 icons)...
icons: ['adjust','adn','align-center','align-justify','align-left','align-right','ambulance','anchor','android','angel…
ghost updated
9 years ago