現在 Renesas RZ/G 向けの Gecko は Firefox としてビルドするコードしか提供しておらず、実際の組み込み用とで HMI プラットフォームとして使うにはシンプルな HTML ビューアが欲しい。
組み込み用ブラウザを作ったり、組み込み用の様々な機能を付加する必要はなく、まずはシンプルに HTML を Gecko で読み込むだけのものを作成する
Windows 10 pro x64, JDK 13 (General Availability version), IntelliJ IDEA 2019, Spring Boot 2.1.8.RELEASE
C:\Users\donhuvy>javac --version
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
javac 13-ea
Emojis are unsupported natively on Windows 7, 8 and Linux distros. We either see emoji as tofu or black/white polyfill:
Running the latest version of Syncthing Icon on Manjaro Linux kept up-to-date. Syncthing is installed as a package from repositories - version 1.2.2-1.
In ~/.config/systemd/user, there is a file sy…
When i load document before get in viewer with redux actions ( setDocumentFile ). The first time tool annotator works well. But when i get back and setDocumentFile again outside viewer. I can't use an…
The WebViewer documentation is missing the addition of the WebViewStringChanged event. We should also update the text that describes how to interact with the web view string to also include the fact t…
We need to be able to detect an OnAnnotationSelected event in our app that wraps webviewer.
Currently there is no $(document).trigger in this event listener, so there is no way to listen to this e…
Create user profile page in flutter that allows user to view their details and update or delete their profile.
To reproduce set the `disabledElements: ['header']` option in the constructor then programmatically call `readerControl.setToolMode('AnnotationCreateTextHighlight')`. You'll see a floating highlight m…