Please use **[GitHub reactions](https://blog.github.com/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/)** 👍 to show that you are affected by the same issue. Please don't comment if y…
Okay, I said that I would look into adding Services via Xposed, and this is what I have come up with so far.
``` aidl
package android.os;
* The AIDL Interface
/** {@hide} */
interface IXAS…
# Android进程框架:进程的创建、启动与调度流程
- 一 进程的创建与启动流程
- 二 进程的优先级
- 三 进程的调度流程
1. 当手机处于关机状态时,长按电源键开机,引导芯片开始从固化在Boot ROM里的预设代码开始执行,然后加载引导程序Boot Loa…
应用中保存用户登录成功后的用户信息。现在是用SharePreference保存。应用中有个Service 用android:process 放在另一个进程中。该Service也会访问(只读不写)SharePreference的数据。Service每隔30s 会去读取SharePreference。主进程在登录的时候会去写SharePreference。现在的问题是 偶现在主进程登录的时候 写数据的…
I have been having issues trying to add WebView+ to my Cordova project. I have run the add plugin in debug mode and get the following:
$ cocoonjs plugin add com.ludei.webview.plus -d
[CocoonJS] E…
### ⚠️ Before posting ⚠️
- [X] This is a **bug**, not a question or an enhancement.
- [X] I've [searched for similar issues](https://github.com/nextcloud/android/issues) and didn't find a duplicat…
#### Description
There was an API breaking change that was suddenly introduced at NDK 21.3..6528147, and to make it worse, this breaks ANY native binder service implementation derived from BnCInter…
Hello THANKS for this library but ;p
I try this with intelliJ idea
File > import Module and choose your library but in java I dont found the class SlidingLayer. ( I am french my english is not good b…
1.每次bindService 都返回false ,原因是因为没有注册,声明our application does not know which service to be bound. This is because either we didn't declare the service in the manifest file, or we declared it in the wrong…
I'm trying to recreate the project, but a "mvn clean install" is unable to find the following artifacts in the central maven repo: