[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Locally check for signs of a rootkit
Exec=pkexec chkrootkit
I've been running Immich on my Truenas SCALE machine for a few weeks now and in that time updated about 5 times.
Every time, I got the following error:
Bluefin recently got ISO builds and there's progress on that. An ISO build action should be added to be created when needed.
We previously completed #313 which merged `*-nvidia` image workflow into this `main` repo. But since then, we've noticed some excessive build times and duplication of builds due to the chained nature …
Here's a collection of queries we would like to ask the team at Docker to help with the Bluefin project.
- When do you plan to enable Fedora 39 builds in your repositories? (see [here](https://down…
I opened this thread at the request of @xynydev
Here is what has already been discussed on Discord: https://www.answeroverflow.com/m/1195027063040643154
I want this to be an open (and construct…
On a fresh rebase onto `bluefin-dx-nvidia:latest`, I can no longer `just zsh` (and also tried `just fish`)
Pretty sure it's related to https://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/pull/402
I installed `Bazzite` over a month ago, so I am stuck on `Bazzite 38`. I would like to update to `39` but just want to clarify a few steps.
When I did my initial installation, I used the `bazzite-n…
### Steps
`just distrobox-wolfi` -> runs ok.
`distrobox enter wolfi` ->
Container wolfi is not running.
Starting container wolfi
run this command to follow along:
podman logs -f wolfi
Sorry for the ignorance but I was just thinking about this and... shouldnt these imagens like -ASUS, -Surface and -framework be patchsets over the -main images? Something like Startingpoint does with …