```Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Checking for self-upgrade
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : PackageRefresh complete - packages changed
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : http://zkmenu.repo.springrts.com/packages/…
Hi Felix,
du musst nur den Download-Crawler verwenden und die Heuristiken ausschalten.
Im Anhang findest du ein entsprechendes JSON.
Beste Grüße
```# This is a HJSON-File, so comments…
```Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Checking for self-upgrade
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : PackageRefresh complete - packages changed
Chobby.exe Information: 0 : Querying default engine
Chobby.exe Inform…
```Using configuration source: "F:\Games\Zero K\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "F:\Games\Zero K\Zero-K\engine\103.0.1-573-g3cdfeb7\springsettings.cfg"
```Using configuration source: "C:\Users\x\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "C:\Users\x\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\103.0.1-588-gab2f239\sprin…
This feature makes doing a lot of things (like R&D or cargo or autismforting) pointless, because even if the wizard runs a peaceful gimmick, there's a chance every second that a random grayshirt will …
i noticed that some bombers bombard herself factory, i see it on sailaway map .
```Using configuration source: "C:\Users\x\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "C:\Users\x\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\103.0.1-588-gab2f239\sprin…
When using submission_stream or comment_stream to consume items continuously (specifically on /r/all but any sufficiently active subreddit should work), every second request includes the params _limit…
```Using configuration source: "C:\Users\manero\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "C:\Users\manero\Documents\My Games\Zero-K\engine\103.0.1-570-gcf3…