The licensing in individual files is a bit all over the place. Currently, we have the following (each followed by a list of the files it occurs in).
License: BSD3
- ./sklearn/tree/tree.py:
License: …
I want to cluster records of data that are not in float matrix form and also there isn't any feature vector for each record. Hopefully DBSCAN clustering algorithm can use callable similarity function …
Original ticket https://networkx.lanl.gov/trac/ticket/515
Reported 2011-03-07 by @jtorrents, assigned to @hagberg.
Add bipartite node redundancy. The redundancy coefficient of a node v is the fraction…
Original ticket https://networkx.lanl.gov/trac/ticket/560
Reported 2011-05-29 by @dschult, assigned to @hagberg.
A number of places in the code use the idiom:
for k,v in list( some_dict.items() )…