Hello! I have a problem and not if it's a bug...
CometD versión: 3.0.10
Jetty versión: 9.2.18.v20160721
CometD client: jQuery
In my CometDInitializer i associate a listener...
`public void …
The current implementation of the Bayeux protocol is not in sync with the latest
Bayeux implementation. 9.1.1 should uses the latest Grizzly implementation,
which support the latest version of the spe…
In current implementation, the cometd chat-room does not logout completely.
The dojo client will send a connect message back.
This is because it does not get the expected logout message.
This issue is…
#### Environment
Operating Syste…
GlassFish Build used:
V3 nightly dated : 03-10
JDK: 1.6.0_10
grizzly-cometd.jar version used :1.9.9
In current implementation, the cometd chat-room does not logout completely.
The dojo client will send a connect message back.
This is because it does not get the expected logout message.
This issue is…
#### Environment
Operating Syste…
One cannot connect to cometd anymore.
The reason is that isAuthenticatedAndValid(verb) is always false.
This is due to the fact that authenticatedUsers.contains(client) always return
false. One should…
We need a better handling of incorrect / inappropriate cometd message sequence.
For instance, if we send an array of messages as follows:
(1) connect (2) publish (3) publish (4) connect
The last conne…
In BayeuxCometHandler.java, clientId are stored in the ConcurrentLinkedQueue,
authenticatedUsers during onHandshake.
This is removed during onDisconnect.
But in case of http connection timeout and con…