为了预测要把pytorch权重转换为onnx ,使用了 [https://github.com/lyuwenyu/RT-DETR/blob/main/rtdetr_pytorch/tools/export_onnx.py](url) 但是报了如下错误,请问如何解决?
I try to analyse the output size of transformer encoder and decoder ouput, and use register_forward_hook module(following the instrunstion of https://colab.research.google.com/github/facebookresearch/…
Can MOTRv2 model be converted to tensorrt?
Can you share the pth trained with MOT20?
作者大大您好,我想请问该在哪里设置使用的GPU信息,我使用的是4060 laptop,直接运行的话一直在使用GPU,也没有在代码中找到可以修改的地方
When perform python models/dino/ops/test.py
show error : No module named 'MultiScaleDeformableAttention'
and can't install by pip install MultiScaleDeformableAttention
pip install MultiScaleDeforma…
Hello, Thanks for your great work. I would like to point out that in the paper it looks to me that the query features are passed to the CAM module. However, in the actual implementation the query feat…
请问 我在某公开数据集上训练 用resnet50 12轮可以0.415 但是换swin-L后,batch-size设为1,多尺度size等不变,最高0.39,还是扩大学习率之后的,用线性计算学习率才0.34 是为什么呢
Hey, I inserted criterion losses into `metric_logger` to have a better overview of the evaluation besides `coco_eval_bbox`. I simply uncommented the lines referenced below and returned the losses.
Hi, thank you very much for providing this well-structured codebase!
I tried training MeMOTR (with DAB-DETR) on DanceTrack and run into performance issues. In particular, using the provided [config…