As this feature is not on the roadmap, can anyone reading this offer up any suggestion for self-hosted mailing list options that would go well with mox?
In case of DMARC policy based bounce, the message gets dropped out of queue and sender is never notified about non-delivery.
smtp_1 | May 01 21:25:53 mail postfix/smtp[204]: E999732CF7F…
Sometimes a spam message ends up in the inbox or a legit message ends up in the rejects folder. When this happens, I like to inspect the message source to find out what went wrong with a particular me…
On Arch Linux at recent commit 980cd40f8df84b88af0a08694367daf2204b459f version 3.9 with systemd 255.4-2 and default systemd service file, rspamd is no longer exiting on SIGTERM when doing e.g. a _sys…
The list openmcl-devel@clozure.com is hosted by Mailman 2.1.39. Mailman 2 needs Python 2, which is obsolete.
One possible alternative might be mlmmj (this is what the FreeBSD project did for all of…
**Current Behavior:**
When opening any links from google calanedar or google gmail message a new tab is opened but the ultimate link is never navigated too. Intead a blank about:blank tab is opened a…
Emails sent by zimit service are flagged as SPAM in my GANDI mailbox.
Although this happened with the just-deployed new zimit-frontend, I haven't used zimit in the last month so I can not say it is…
Messages to nine.testrun.org appear to be rejected even with valid SPF:
Final-Recipient: rfc822; [REDACTED@nine.testrun.org](mailto:REDACTED@nine.testrun.org)
Original-Recipient: [rfc822;REDA…
ell1e updated
1 month ago
Emails to specific authorities aren't being sent to some authorities. See RTK issue https://github.com/openaustralia/righttoknow/issues/136
According to the user who is reporting the issue, this is…