I would like to deploy Hawkbit on Azure using a Docker image on App Service.
I have it working with the standard Hawkbit Docker image connecting to an Azure SQL server by setting the environment va…
**What is the bug?**
Shuttle live subscription will intermittently throws unique constraint error.
since its throwing error, it can cause application to crash. ideally if we can ignore that error t…
Currently azure-eventhubs tests are only enabled with a real account. It'd be nice to have them run against Azurite and the event hubs emulator.
The hub currently schedules a separate celery job for each HTTP request that it sends out during content delivery. That does not scale, especially with a large message body. A better approach would be…
Could you clarify what Capture Backlog is?
### Proposed topic or title
Azure Functions
### Location in table of contents.
/ Integrations
### Reason for the article
We're gearing up to ship our initial iteration of support for Azure Functi…
Consider the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package TestExample {
use Test::Class::Moose;
sub test_method {
ok 'first';
ok 'second';
sleep 10…
I've recently started using this library and after a couple of days of consuming messages from Event Hub I've got hit by the following errors:
> [azeventhubs::amqp::amqp_connection_scope] [ERROR] E…
### Description
The [documentation ](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/az.network/new-azbastion?view=azps-11.3.0) for New/Set-AzBastion lists configuration parameters:
> [-E…
OS: Windows 10
ELK: 7.2.0
Installed using `logstash-plugint`
When running list
**logstash-input-azureblob** "7.2.0"}