Create a formula node, enter a formula and hook up the respective inputs:
Then change the formula…
Escribo aquí por primera vez así que perdona si no es el sitio correcto o algo.
Estaba probando tu script (que dicho sea de paso es la leche, enhorabuena) y ví que me descargaba los videos c…
i created a data validation with a list, but instead of a list name i used a somewhat complex formula to evaluate the input (=IF(W4"";INDIRECT(LEFT(W4;SEARCH(" -";W4;1)));EMPTY). Unfortunately th…
this should not be in my todo thread :)
this node is not intended to replace ViewerDraw, but instead offer a complementary set of useful features. The following table should show the current state
I was wondering if it is possible to make such. Would be much appreciated. The Formula1 season is still going
I am trying to create a dropdown cell in an xls worksheet. Normally in Excel using the GUI you would do the following: http://spreadsheets.about.com/od/datamanagementinexcel/qt/20071113_drpdwn.htm
it's been puzzling me for a while, but where is this?
vector * scalar
vector * (1/scalar)
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
1 verbose cli 'insta…
I have my skipUnsupportedPlugins set to false in my docpad.coffee and yet I'm getting the following error when running `docpad run`
`warning: Skipped the unsupported plugin: gdocs d…
sheet.add_data_validation("A2:A1000", {
:type => :list,
:formula1 => "Owner / President / CEO, VP-Level, Director-Level, Manager, Team Lead / Supervisor, Team Member, Contracto…