# Page template styles page contains bullet point with incorrect grammar
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite…
# Page not found pages pattern contains typo for 'humorous'
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lear…
# Phase banner component page introduces 'Service Manual' without proper context
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.ev…
# Check a service is suitable pattern page introduces 'Service Manual' without context
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://…
# Fieldset component page has typo for 'screen reader'
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/learn-git…
# Page template styles page contains sentence that can be simplified
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite.co.…
# Propose a component or pattern community page is missing a word
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/…
The primary use case for summary list is Check Answers, which has one action - 'Change'
In the markup, this is wrapped in a list (ul, li), to allow for multiple actions. However in the case of one …
# Summary list component page has incorrect grammar
This issue is reserved for people who are attending the [Learn GitHub for content designers workshop](https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/learn-github…
Create a page component, mirroring govuk-frontend's page templates and layout documentation.