I'd love to have a formatter and syntax highlight for Vue syntax that incorporates Gridsome GraphQL query blocks, such as:
query Article($id: String!) {
After the application build, additional tags for **html** and **body** have this kind
in main.js these are strings
head.htmlAttrs = { lang: 'ru', class: 'h-full' }
**My resource**
**My content is**
- [ ] A Strapi Tutorial / Guide / How to article
- [ ] About Headless, CMS, javascript, open source, or jamstack
- [ ] Other, specify
**What do you all t…
for better support, consdiering migrating to:
- https://github.com/sharu725/hagura-sveltekit | [demo](https://hagura.sveltethemes.dev/)
- https://github.com/mattjennings/sveltekit-blog-template | …
I ran into various gyp, openssl, `error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported`, missing python2 and node-sass compatibility issues on Node 16+. Downgrading to Node 14 worked. Perhaps we shou…
If I search and get some result and click the result, I only can link to keyword page , how can I link to the anchor of keyword
Looks like there is still some injection after
not sure if its related yet
### Input code
* alert("cool jsdocs code injectio…
I'm encountering a problem when I need to query data such as Objects and Arrays.
At line `34` of the plugin's `gatsby-node.js` is written:
**My Topic**: Optimizing performance of a Strapi-powered website or application
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of performance optimization for Strapi-powered websites and applica…
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