I'm trying to upgrade Laravel to version 5.5, but composer says it is not supported by `laravel-notification-channels/telegram 0.0.2`. Is `dev-master` safe to use?
when i call an notification, the system answer as this:
NotificationChannels\Telegram\Exceptions\CouldNotSendNotification: You must provide your telegram bot token to make any API requests. in [...…
I am using laravel-backup on Laravel 5.1 using `"spatie/laravel-backup": "^3.0.0",` in my composer.json.
In my settings I have the following:
* The amount of days that all back…
Непонятно как вообще работает код )
`try {
$bot = new \TelegramBot\Api\Client('*************');
$bot->command('ping', function ($message) use ($bot) {
I think it would be great if it were possible from within Botman studio to register the webhook for the bot with telegram.
If I were to turn this into an artisan command, would this be merged?
### Required Information
- Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04 / nginx
- PHP version: 7.1
- PHP Telegram Bot version: ^0.46.0
- Using MySQL database: yes
- MySQL version: 5.7
- Update Method: Webhook…
// or
// some php code here...
The hook url goes in config file.
Providers in app config
'providers' => [
* Laravel Framework Service Providers...
how to use telegram-bot-dialogs in **standalone** mode without Laravel? Is it possible?
`2017-02-04T12:09:03.112966+00:00 app[web.1]: [04-Feb-2017 12:09:03 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught A…
I created a new laravel 5.4 project.
I used this command for your package:
`composer require halaei/telegram-bot`
then I added ` Telegram\Bot\Laravel\TelegramServiceProvider::class,` to Ser…
mrmrn updated
7 years ago