When I set up my development environment on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine, I had to install a couple more packages to get everything working correctly. I had to install python-dev, libxslt1-dev, zlib1g-dev,…
Currently whenever SM needs to fetch storage object, it sends DB query and... stops... for some undetermined time, until DB responds. This stops all processing in SM. For all connected users.
C2S has …
I have just downloaded the code and tried to build it using the instructions. However, I get:
CMake Error at /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.26.3/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.…
Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.14393]
> ruby --version
ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x64-mingw32]
> gem --version
> bundle --version
Bundler version 1.14.…
Hi All,
I got reports of crashes related to backend unloading, in this area:
Interestingly, the crash depends on what…
It's *quite* important lib:
- https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/postgresql-libpq
- https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/postgresql-simple
and only requires `libpq-dev` package do be inst…
It's time to decide the version of Python and the framework to use in this project
What better place to get data than a SQL database? Don't say "Hadoop", that's just wrong.
Relevant section of `psql` manual:
> The new connection can re-use connection parameters from the previous connection; not only database name, user, host, and port, but other settings such as sslmo…
The Swift stack installs `libcurl4-openssl-dev` and `libssl-dev`, though these are not general Swift requirements. They are required by Kitura, and are provided by the kitura stack (#431).