Name: Augmentors
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token?
Smart Contract(s): Will update when known (NOT the ERC-20 address).
Website: https://www.augmentorsgame.com/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813…
Name: CryptoZombies
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): Will update when known (NOT the ERC-20 address).
Website: https://cryptozombies.io/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF80…
Name: Cryptibles
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): 0x15dd447b5ecf63432909a4655037b43898fabf19
Website: https://www.cryptibles.com/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF809C8dA5f…
Name: CryptoHorse
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): 0xB88924408A95917c75DE67fc9FbdC4Af992979c3
Website: http://www.cryptohorse.ch/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF809C8dA5f…
Name: BitCrystals
Kind: Counterparty token
Smart Contract(s): https://xchain.io/asset/BITCRYSTALS (Will update if/when switched to ERC-721.)
Website: https://bitcrystals.com/
My Ethereum addres…
Name: CryptoPets
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): Will update when known (NOT the ERC-20 address).
Website: https://www.cryptopets.co/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF809C…
Name: Aethia
Kind: EIP-721/EIP-821 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): Will update when known (NOT the ERC-20 address).
Website: https://aethia.co/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF809C8dA5…
Name: MoonCatRescue
Kind: ERC-721 nonfungible token
Smart Contract(s): 0x60cd862c9C687A9dE49aecdC3A99b74A4fc54aB6
Website: https://mooncatrescue.com/
My Ethereum address: 0x2F6102a60813aF809C8dA…
Name: EtherTulips
Kind: ERC721 NFT
Smart Contract(s): 0x995020804986274763df9deb0296b754f2659ca1
Website: https://ethertulips.com/
Background: https://medium.com/@ethertulips/ether-tulips-decent…
Can you port the storage exposer from the 1.12.2 version of nae2mod?
This would help subnets have access to specific items on the mainnet, and would make it easier to overhaul subnet spawn lines!