Mamp: [`mamp`](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/blob/master/Casks/mamp.rb).
New Version is 4.1
New Download link:
Looks like they change the URL.
New URL for 3.5.2
#### General troubleshooting steps
- [x] I have retried my command with `--force` and the issue is still present.
- [x] I have checked the instructions for [reporting bugs](https://github.com/cask…
Hi everyone,
Trying to install Contao 4.4 mithw Manager 1.0.0 beta10 in MAMP Pro 4.2.1. The installation starts well. I create my id and pswd. Then, I'm asked to login but my id and pswd are refuse…
Nach dem automatischen Update führt der CTOM eine Systemprüfung durch. Diese meldet, dass für die Contao-Installation "Installationsprobleme erkannt" wurden. Diese müssen behoben werden, bevor der CTO…
CraftQL can't connect to the api end point - I am testing on a live URL (on my staging Craft 3 install, I am just on a public URL so I dont have to mess with my private staging URL)... when I visit th…
Hello and thank for that purpose of SF4 project structure !! That looks GREAT !!
I can't achieve the installation process because I have this error just after fire the command `docker-compose up -d…
In store config, "Design" tab, under "Emails", when I try to upload a logo, I have the error "Cannot gather stats! Warning!stat(): stat failed for /tmp/home/myproject/tmp/php9F5XEL". Other logos (favi…
In a previous PR discussion about Galaga romsets, @arcadez @grant2258 and I started talking through the feasibility of backporting updates to early Namco emulation.
I am going to merge that PR so I…
Is this compatible with CMS & Framework v4.0.0-beta3? I've defined following configuration values in mysite/_config.php:
AWS_REGION: The AWS region your S3 bucket is hosted in (e.g. eu-central-1)