🤓Me: Okay..the first step is really getting to know the device we are dealing with. That means diving into the datasheets and making sure I understand the communication protocols, whether it is I2C, S…
I am trying to expose the Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK APIs to native code (C/Rust) with a .NET native host that dynamically loads everything (libhostfxr.so, .NET assemblies, etc) from an *existing* Power…
Good morning,
The file: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/blob/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/04-14-2020.csv
is missing the deaths from Massachusetts from 4/14/…
Related to #4800
## Bug Report
**What did you do?**
I added a `resources` block to our filebeats `Beat` definition.
**What did you expect to see?**
Those resources to be reflected in the …
Rough proposal for CPI:
Key capabilities/operations:
Allocate ensemble (number of members, compute capability spec for each member, image that each member should load identically, data bundle that c…
A candidate has requested the third party image here be used:
Is this something for the party to resolve wi…
_This is for capturing needs not currently supported by the CEDS model. Please do not send or share actual data as examples in this issue or in attachments._
**Author(s)**: CJ Gilbert; Kristy Web…
I would like to report an issue in page https://opensource.docs.scylladb.com/master/operating-scylla/procedures/cluster-management/create-cluster
### Problem
The documents are out of date. supervi…
**Did you check DOCS to make sure there is no workaround?**
The Docs does not make specific mention of deploying to RDS. Can you please give me some guidance on how I can m…
Create a repository that serves as a bootstrap to create new plugins.