Customer is seeing frequent errors for breaking changes
I have been getting Breaking Changes warnings on some of my automation scripts for Add-AzApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSetting, Set-AzApplic…
Related to: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-powershell/issues/1780
In Azure go to Automation Accounts->Models->Browse gallery. How can we get the correct information to use this obj…
PS /home/andrew/ProvisionGenie/Deployment/Scripts> ./Deploy-Solution.ps1
cmdlet Deploy-Solution.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Location: westeurope…
a-goo updated
2 years ago
Hi, great tool!! Makes Azure Automation passable ;-)
One minor issue, when updating the PS help from ISE (as admin), I get the following failure:
PS C:\OD\Src\PowerShell> update-help
Not sure if this is just a question because of what am i doing wrong, or there is a bug here.
My code is grabbing results from Azure Log Analytics with a complicated query, and I'm using az rest. F…
we are currently using version 3.1.16 with the Service Principal Authentication Method to authenticate to different tenants to retrieve the inventory. In the tenants we've created an Enterprise A…
### Describe the noise
**Resource type (i.e. Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts)**
**apiVersion (i.e. 2019-04-01)**
**Client (PowerShell, Azure…
The updated script in AADTool (Common.ps1) relies on a newer version of the AAD dll than that which is provided. Running script with old version leads to the following error: New-Object : Cannot find …
#### Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring
When creating an Azure OpenAI resource with Azure Portal and private endpoint, it registers in the zone "privatelink.opena…
**Related command**
`az provider register -n Microsoft.OperationsManagement`
**Describe the bug**
I ran these following two commands to eventually create an aks cluster using `az aks create`. How…