## ❓ Questions and Help
I'm creating a Pytorch OCR model with a Resnet based feature extractor with both ctc classifier and attention based classifer outputs.
It includes a BiLSTM layer that input f…
自己retrain了一个 attention loss的识别模型,训练完后做infer时报错,dimension不匹配,未对infer_rec.py做修改,看似paddle和python脚本不兼容引起的?
使用paddlepaddle-gp版本为1.8.5.post107,paddleocr版本为1.1静态图版本,train yml文件是在rec_mv3_tps_bilstm_attn.yml基…
We have constructed a couple quick toy models. We now need a notebook (or package) we can all share to try out different systems and see how we can find the best performing system.
can not run the small_satrn model,
my cofig file only changed dataset path , and the tps_resnet_bilstm_attn model is ok.
my only modify is :
train_dataset_mj = [dict(type='FolderDataset', root='/h…
i´ve been using the grobid header model (v. 0.6.1).
In the documentation I found that a Wapiti CRF model is used by default, but in the config.json of the header model the model type is s…
We are attempting to use the Tensorflow Neuron Compilation API to compile a 2-layer BiLSTM model created using the TF Keras framework.
* A summary of our model:
顺着找到了character.py的第35行, if self.character_type == "en":
self.character_str = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",发现定义的字母都是小写的,我更改…
I tried using the sample code of the IMDB dataset and CNN. And it works fine. I tried to load an already pre-trained BiLSTM I have, and the shape of the attribution was 2D instead of 3D ie ```(nb_samp…
paddle 版本 2.0.2 paddleOCR 是2.1
想训练一个手写体识别模型 利用的是hwdb 单字合成图片来训练的 长度已经控制 1-25 目前合成第一批 24万多一点 想试一下效果 字典 7300多字符 原始文件改动了 字典和数据集路劲 和 batch_size_per_card 没有加载预训练模型
name: Cosine 这个属性群里有人说去…