Some fonts define a different ascent and descent value for windows.
Here is, for example, how capsize shows Tajawal's metrics on Windows vs. Mac:
I've run a scrip…
We're using this font for a project and have problems when we print documents with the font. I've found another topic here that deals with the same issue which could be resolved by simply using…
A few scripts are distinguishing sans-serif and serif letters (or two styles
for Arabic, Western "standard", and Eastern standard for Persan/Urdu).
This includes Armenian, Khmer, Lao... However …
A few scripts are distinguishing sans-serif and serif letters (or two styles
for Arabic, Western "standard", and Eastern standard for Persan/Urdu).
This includes Armenian, Khmer, Lao... However …
Many authors in mathematics and linguistics use a ‘slashed zero’ form for the empty set symbol, in contrast with the ‘slashed circle’ form that is the form currently used in the Libertinus fonts. A de…
I am not an expert on font production. I don't know how fonts (should) behave across different browsers, applications and OS, let alone what users' requirements are regarding OpenType features, hintin…
Congratulations and thanks for this new package, which brings testfont.tex and nfssfont.tex to the modern font age!
The following is not really an issue, it's more user feedback.
Having used bot…
I'm having problems with these lines in views/default/markdown_editor/editor_js.php
``` javascript
jqbutton.bind('click', data, button.callback).tipsy({
live: true,
### Describe the bug
One of our project which works fine with Vite 2.x has code like
import previewHacks from './preview-hacks.css?inline';
I'm currently working with bootstrap and less.php.
I've detected that the paths to image- or font-sources inside the url() are converted wrong. By default, the `@icon-font-dir` in bootstrap is define…
lduer updated
9 years ago