I'm trying to upload a tar.gz file to a remote server and getting this error. I assume my SFTP config is correct as it was providing me with helpful errors when it wasn't before I corrected it.
I'd like to customize `HalFormsConfiguration` in order to be able to produce HAL-Forms options for some template payload properties via a home made annotation based engine.
My goal is to have somet…
The templates have often been a source of issue with this project--between being bundled with the final artifact (requiring a new release for a single change to be picked up) and the waterfall-style "…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [5b4e770daa190ce69f402c1cf92f388b07d3e144](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/5b4…
We want the bot code to be tested and have an upstream CI on pr/merge/release.
- [ ] probot tests (jest) - [probot.github.io/docs/testing](https://probot.github.io/docs/testing/) already some start…
### Link
### Database entry
I would suggest that we extend the logic of this plugin to also be usable in multitenant applications or applications where creating a test-user is not feasible.
I would love to assist in developin…
A few things having done some digging myself.
Port 6093 seems to have something to do with upgrading firmware, perhaps the reason it leaves offline mode is because it is preparing to receive an up…
When using archetypes modes with multiple data type options, I am facing some problems.
Symptom sign - severity category is 'text, coded_text' data type. When committing using ECISFLAT, using coded…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 18.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [48ce1d901fbfa09b557812968f483a57ebbc5489](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/48c…