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(다른 사이트도 그러는지 모르겠지만) Pornhub의 경우 제목에 특수문자가 들어가는 경우 오류가 뜨는 것 같습니다.
URL : https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c4a06eb3d29f
제목 : LeoLulu rencontre MySweetApple! Ça …
[`normalize_path()`](https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli/blob/9559bb509450a9d2676e1985d21702fd4c2d73b5/php/utils.php#L787-L809) is basically a copy of the [`wp_normalize_path()`](https://developer.wordpr…
### The problem
The header of the Device Summary widget is not centered with the data shown. Other widgets are showing centered on the header.
os: debian12
symfony: 5.8.6
composer: 2.6.6
my composer file is a shell script which is doing different stuff for me before actually running composer. so i there is the bash script `/usr/local/bi…
c33s updated
9 months ago
I'm trying to run a Compound CSV job, and running into problems getting the metadata in child rows to end up in the child MODS.xml files. MIK is treating the objects as if they do not appear in the sp…
If I access `/icingaweb2/icingadb/host?name=hosti` I get:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Icinga\Module\Grafana\ProvidedHook\Icingadb\HostDetailExtension::$permission is deprecated in…
When rendering SVGs on a map, which are transformed using translate() [offset shift], output of Cairo and AGG is out of sync.
The strange thing: only some SVGs are affected.
![AGG output](http:…
| Q | A
| --------------------| ---------------
| PHPUnit version | >7.5.*
| PHP version | >7.0.*
| Installation Method | Composer
#### Summary
Assertion me…
In response to a question on https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:markdownextra, I had a crack at integrating GeSHi syntax highlighting.
Inside `function _doFencedCodeBlocks_callback($matches)` in `markdo…
**Describe the bug**
On an instance with server-side encryption enabled and several users editing in a collective over the last weeks, several pages became unaccessable to some users. The calls to we…
mejo- updated
5 months ago