Contract 580 was created with hash `f33942f87a8e3fcca5ca65b18e607b6a` (don't know why it appears in polka with a different hash). `ContractIDWithNodeIDAndHash(4, f33942f87a8e3fcca5ca65b18e607b6a)` ret…
My account is not found so I can't get the nft. I participated to kusama crowdloan, it seems that on robonomics dapp they use my polka wallet address and not the eth. May be this is why they c…
Test if all test are properly specified and compare with literature etc.
Is blocked till dynamic set up of test parameters will be provided.
Creator: Polkas
Code to reproduce:
# Example with non-clinical data
Ive been trying to over a week to claim the NFT but it doesnt seem to be working for me.
I have Kusama chain selected and the address used for the 1st crowdloan, also my ethereum address. When i hit…
Do I need to kill myself to Tailwind work properly?
"scripts": {
"dev": "sapper dev",
"build": "sapper build --legacy",
"export": "sapper export --legacy",
"start": "node _…
I have deployed a VM using terraform plugin, it was working well then suddenly, the website is no longer running and can't access the VM, I have checked my polka account and I have still money there
There is no column type icons when selecting variable to display
Hey, when I import Arweave from arweave-js with Svelte/Sapper, I get the errors pasted below.
My code:
import Arweave from "arweave/web"; // the compiler fails here
const client = new Arwe…