Sedikit catatan dari saya terkait progress API untuk onega-pos:
- [x] Tambahkan pagination untuk controller get list invoice dengan opsi take dan skip.
- [x] Proses pembuatan invoice ini kenapa ad…
Relasi antara sekolah (PK: NPSN) dengan Pendidik & Tenaga Kependidikan, PTK (PK: NUPTK), dan Siswa (PK: NISN) bisa dilihat dari tabel dalam link ini:
3Code updated
9 years ago
We've been using Prose for a while to edit our GitHub Page/Jekyll site http://opentwincities.org/ (thanks for that by the way, it's awesome). This site publishes regular blog posts, as well as ev…
- [ ] fitur upload berkas jpg/png , dibawah perode untuk memperkuat verifikasi data
- [x] Output
I upgraded my MacVim version 712 to 922. Now, when I use the keyword completion when writing prose, the list included incorrect entries. This is also the case with vim run from the Mac OS console. See…
I know it's been brought up before, but are there plans to support Textile format beyond simple editing of existing files. i.e., option to create new documents in Textile and possibly a basic WYSIWYG?…
Saya membuka Issues ini setelah melihat [commit](https://github.com/dragonregure/IndonesianLanguageMod/commit/7b936d4e92bcc65519d92000550425a154e8466e) dari @JevonSulienAldo di file [ToDo.txt.](https:…
# Epic
Fix linting errors in the pages
# Acceptance criteria
- [ ] Zero linting errors on CSS pages
It can be done simply by adding the following to sbabook.cls
%%% Page styles & folios
I do it in my own projects, but I was wondering if that could be a default option.
Proses installasi memakan ram terlalu besar & selalu gagal
Glitch (Node.js v16.14.0) Gagal