(* (Jumping to source) Try pressing ‘M-.’ on the word ‘plus’: *) plus
From the tutorial, this opens a buffer which is read-only, but cannot be closed by pressing 'q'. This is a usability issu…
The images look very beautiful. Also scheme is a fun language indeed (especially when using it i.c.w. the most fun editor [(Spac)emacs](https://www.spacemacs.org/), do you know it? I noticed you used …
1. `make emacs=emacs24 plain`
2. M-x`counsel-linux-app`RET
=> `let: Symbol's function definition is void: directory-files-recursively`
This is due to `counsel-linux-apps-list-desktop-files` ca…
We should implement a language server for Acton and build an emacs-mode in Emacs that makes use of it.
Depends on #190
### Feature
It's difficult to know easily what a primitive does, where a command is defined etc. Having some kind of API that returns meta-information would help with that.
Trying swiper/counsel/ivy has been a bewildering experience for me. Before I end my experiment, I thought I'd let you know, so you might have an insight into the experience of a new user.
Like mos…
Hey, I just installed _(via emacs-doom package manager built on top of straight.el)_ kubernetes and kubernetes-evil packages to my emacs-doom setup and when open overview it fails with error below
Reaver 1.4 r116 on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, fully updated. Laptop: Thinkpad T61p.
Wireless device: Alfa AWUS036H.
I have run "wash -i mon0 -s" and it's output looks sensible. It produces a
Reaver 1.4 r116 on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, fully updated. Laptop: Thinkpad T61p.
Wireless device: Alfa AWUS036H.
I have run "wash -i mon0 -s" and it's output looks sensible. It produces a
Reaver 1.4 r116 on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, fully updated. Laptop: Thinkpad T61p.
Wireless device: Alfa AWUS036H.
I have run "wash -i mon0 -s" and it's output looks sensible. It produces a