Building an RPM on OS X successfully, but the startRunlevels for SystemV don't seem to take. I'm using 1.2.0-M8
plugin added in plugins.sbt:
`addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager…
I'd like to host a Giter8 template along with the source code for a library, primarily so that they can be released together and the template can be tested along with the regressions tests during the …
When I generate an eclipse project from SBT with "eclipse", I get several errors in Scala IDE 4.0 when I import it:
- Cannot nest output folder 'hello-scaloid-sbt/bin/classes' inside output folder 'he…
Sometimes we face the following issue with Node archive extraction
Stack trace
com.github.eirslett.maven.plugins.frontend.lib.InstallationException: Could not extract the Node archive
(edited by @dwijnand, previous title: "Add `inGlobal` to allow scoping settings globally")
## problem
`inThisBuild` is a standard operation in any `build.sbt` and sbt plugin. However, there's no c…
### Expected vs Actual Behaviour
It should be set correctly with jacocoExcludes like below:
`jacocoExcludes := jacocoExcludes(Seq("com.bpshare.Application"))`
Instead it shows error: Type misma…
I constantly get errors like this running `dependencyUpdates`
[error ] com.typesafe.akka:akka-stream:2.6.19
Too many connections: 100
Too many connections: 100
Too many connections: 100…
When compiling [my project](https://github.com/actorapp/actor-platform/tree/master/actor-server) after clean, sbt gets stuck. After killing sbt and re-running `sbt compile` it succeeds. If I clean and…
Since current `sbt-plugin` implementation works by simply appending to `scalacOptions`, `Test` inherits any enabled warts from `Compile`. For example, consider something like this:
My usual workflow with Play is to keep the SBT `run` task running during development, taking advantage of the automatic recompilation in Play. I'm trying to add a Javascript frontend build with the Y…