### Brief description of your issue
While executing "New-WinGetSource", there is a bug if there are multiple CosmosDB accounts in the RG (like from multiple attempts to deploy a WinGetSource)
### Brief description of your issue
Winget is not respecting the scope=machine preference in settings.json. But works correctly when --scope machine is explicitly passed in invocation. Specifically…
In the issue about wheels for Windows #441 I commented that it is possible to build finufft and cufinufft on Windows. I think that the CMake scripts should be improved, first so that we can build for …
### How can we reproduce the crash?
# Create
bun create docusaurus@latest website classic --typescript --package-manager bun
cd website
# Update to make sure you get Docusaurus v3.6
bun upda…
## Details about Problem
NuGet version: NuGet Client Dev\
VS Version: Master\30029.156
OS: Windows-10-Enterprise-RS5
## Detailed repro steps
1. Launch VS and click menu "Tools" -> "Nug…
### Brief description of your issue
Until now, I have been using a W32 app in Intune to install Winget as a nt/system. As of release 1.7.11132, this is no longer working. I also tried using the lates…
I followed the instructions to get this because I want to use it, and I get this string of errors when PlatformIO tries to build the project. Not sure if I'm missing dependencies or there's something…
### Brief description of your issue
Listing installed packages by Id for Microsoft.PowerShell returns: No installed package found matching input criteria.
I know it is installed because this ret…
### Environment
- Operating System: Windows_NT
- Node Version: v18.15.0
- Nuxt Version: 3.5.3
- Nitro Version: 2.4.1
- Package Manager: pnpm@8.6.0
[Playground Link](https://cadlplayground.z22.web.core.windows.net/?c=aW1wb3J0ICJAdHlwZXNwZWMvaHR0cCI7DQoNCnVzaW5nIEh0dHA7DQpvcCB0ZXN0KEBib2R5Um9vdCDECToge8URxw1UZXN0fSk6IHZvaWTFQ21vZGVsxRcgew0KICBwcm9…