I am currently ordering stuff to recreate your build, in form of a 16x16 LED matrix. I want to power the LEDs and the Pi from the same power supply. I also will use the same logic level power con…
There seems to be an issue on the Simblee (and possibly RFduino and other NRF51 boards) after commit https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/commit/720f339e3ca5d60ccc1217c0aa8c70e4f3314852. That commit wo…
hi buddy , do you have any video or demonstration of your code
I'm confused as to how to get my HORIZONTAL_ZIGZAG_MATRIX APA102 strips to display properly. I have data entering on the upper left and then zig-zagging back to the lower left over 8 strips of 44 LEDS…
Many LED strips can't handle 24 MHz speed well.
APA102 in particular causes the clock pulse width to shorten slightly after each LED as it "regenerates" the clock signal. After 100 to 200 LEDs, prob…
Ich hab mal wieder seit langen mein Ambilight in der Wohnstube eingeschaltet und auf meiner chromebox hyperion auf hyperion.ng geupdatet. Was soll ich sagen. es funktioniert nicht. Keine…
Context: driving a strip of APA102 LEDs via SPI, so streaming over 600 byte at a time.
I just started using Sming and it's great. Using the develop branch, I've been able to drive APA-102 LEDs s…
i have to swap green and blue here?!
hint: u can precalculate the endFrame in the constructor, so u don't need a loop there
I have tried this wired up to a logic converter and directly interfacing the MOSI and CLOCK pins to the LEDs on a Raspberry Pi 3 -- If I try the Adafruit libraries it runs, but nothing happens. If I t…