https://github.com/hexenmeister/AS_BH1750 adds a virtual mode to the bh1750 library enabling it to auto-adjust to the current conditions (low light, bright sunshine) as good as possible.
Thank y…
it is my code for inserting data:
while True:
item ={}
tmp = DHT11.dht11_read()
if tmp is not None:
root@LEDE:~# nsjail -Ml --port 9000 --chroot /chroot/ --user 99999 --group 99999 -- /bin/sh -i
[2017-10-15T10:02:43+0000] Mode: LISTEN_TCP
[2017-10-15T10:02:43+0000] Jail parameters: hostname:'…
ebadi updated
7 years ago
Tendremos que hacer algo similar a esto.
[k0ste@WorkStation linux-4.12]$ patch -p1 -i /tmp/linux-4.8-ndpi.diff
patching file include/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_extend.h
Hunk #2 FAILED at 113.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving reject…
k0ste updated
7 years ago
With this version of node.js - v4.1.1
With these page dependancies:
"acorn": "^2.6.2",
"express": "^4.13.3",
"highlight.js": "^8.9.1",
"marked": "^0.3.5",
"tern": "^0.16.0"
**NOTE** I'd be happy to present kernel configuration in a more readable form, but not sure what is available and preferred - please advice
Type | Version/Name
After the last upgrade my doorbells aren't working. After the update Pir4 no longer has an unit. In the messages (debug) unit is still present.
Greatings Rick
Any idea why even though there's no error during the boot process I have no wireless device?
U-Boot SPL 2016.03 (Apr 08 2016 - 09:51:22)
Trying to boot from MMC
U-Boot 2016.03 (Apr 08 201…
After numerous attempts to build all needed components of esp8266-frankenstein, smoking of all the READMEs and docs in antares, esp-open-sdk, kconfig-fronends and esp8266-frankenstein itself what do I…