I'm getting a TypeError trying to use csvsql to generate a table insert statement from a CSV
Here's the command:
head -n 2 expenditures-csv.csv | csvsql --no-constraints --table campaignexpendit…
ashaw updated
12 years ago
I'm not entirely sure this is the fault of ClassMopper, however the rest of podweaver is working... I'm reproducing this with a `dzil test`, I'm noticing that the dzil build path isn't listed.
documentation seems very repetitive including methods generated by attributes and regular methods. Maybe methods created by attributes could be filtered from the methods list?
Had to add `use Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP::Response` to some code I was writing to get the module to work. This should be in `::SOAP` not my code
here's the `dist.ini` related to this plugin.
push_to = my
tag_format = %v
tag_message = %v
first_version = v0.1.0
version_regexp = ^(.+)$
Cybersource doesn't appear to do any sanity checks on their side, replacing the expiry with 2025 will work.
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/ccushing/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.1/bin/perl "-MExtUtils:…
Need to get the auth.net seal from their site and stick it on the payment page
I was just going to try out your optimized version of Magento.I can’t be past the first stage, installing. Error Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Core_Model_Abstract' not found in C:\www\agent\app\…