Since now the continent value is missing in almost all rows in the cov19_world_death stats.
That is the reason why the stats panels are showing an incorrect value.
The value of infected person…
Hi Sam,
thank you for this nice module!
As mentioned in discord I open this issue for further discussions here.
I think your commits of the last 2 days already solved the following problems:
Issue Type: Bug
Somewhere along the line, in a recent update, the formatting of my SCSS files changed. I am using Stylelint and the StyleFmt extension, and have the setting in my stylelintrc:
Hi Felix,
US and UK not showing anymore; I also seem to remember there were other countries after this, so maybe an issue with the length of the country list?
## Issue Description ##
Apparently the predefined version of c# is version 4, and no matter how much I have searched I have not found how to change it since I need to use c# 7.
So this is my last re…
Italy death series have repeated data
55 2020-03-15 1441
56 2020-03-16 1809
57 2020-03-17 2503
58 2020-03-18 2503
59 2020-03-19 …
Vielen Dank für die initiative. Wäre es sinnvoll, als Basis für das Verhältnis zu den RKI-Zahlen die Zahl der Fälle nach Meldetatum zu nehmen (*"Für die Darstellung der neuübermittelten Fälle pro Tag …
**Describe the bug**
your data source is wrong - worldometers has wrongs deaths is sweden
https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/09f821667ce64bf7be6f9f87457ed9aa is accurate .
Hello, everybody,
According R7 a newspaper from brazil. Brazil has the first confirmed case of the virus.
> https://noticias.r7.com/jr-24h/boletim-jr-24h/videos/primeiro-caso-de-coronavirus-no-bra…
From: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/issues/1250#issuecomment-607536652
> Unfortunately it looks way too complex for my needs and like I said, I'm looking for something very simple aka: c…