Evaluation datasets like [mbpp](https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/mbpp) or [HumanEval](https://github.com/openai/code-align-evals-data) might be contained in the training …
I wanted to get something working, so I copied your code at the end of README.md
As the title says, it's possible to pass a fragmentInput and fragmentRef that are mismatched, and useFragment does nothing to prevent this. This is most apparent when using multiple fragments of diffe…
- [x] fizz 코드 작성
- [x] buzz 코드 작성
- [x] fizzbuzz 코드 작성
Hello @genkami!
First of all thank you for this nice project. I've recently discovered it and find it interesting.
I wanted to send you a letter, but then thought, that this issue maybe useful …
Using a const parameter in an inline const pattern causes an ICE, but only when you don't directly use the parameter. This seems to be the same problem as #82518, although under different circumstance…
- [ ] Create a simple CLI tool that could calculate the [classic FizzBuzz exercise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_buzz). See Requirements section for details
- [ ] Add unit t…
- [x] 3의 배수에서 fizz 출력
- [x] 5의 배수에서 buzz 출력
- [x] 15의 배수에서 fizzbuzz 출력
- [x] py파일 push 후 검토
- [x] py파일 수정, push, 검토
### Fizz Buzz
写一个程序, 输出从'1'到'n'数字的字符串表示.
1. 如果'n'是3的倍数, 输出“Fizz”;
2. 如果'n'是5的倍数, 输出“Buzz”;
3. 如果'n'同时是3和5的倍数, 输出 “FizzBuzz”.
n = 15,
This works!
await db.insertOne({title: "how to use linux", body: "go to linux.org"});
let result = await db.findMany({ title: "how to use linux" });
But as soon as I…