In the past, I used the setup I also described [here](https://github.com/kurtsson/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin/issues/186):
Have a default language be put to root **and** in a separate language f…
See https://github.com/desandro/lazyweb-requests/blob/master/003-git-integrated-publishing.mdown for details
I just tried to post to Medium from my jekyll site, and got
Attempted to post MYPOST to Medium. They responded {"errors":[{"message":"Application not found","code":6005}]}
This is the…
I use a static site builder/templater engine called Hugo. http://gohugo.io/
VERY like sass hugo uses a partial import. I have my html template directory structure set up in best practices like sa…
From https://github.com/olivernn/lunr.js/issues/38 there are some cases in which you want to turn off lunrjs's stemmer (e.g., with it on "onboard" is the stem and "onboardi" fails to match it, but "on…
### Operating System
macOS 13.2.1
### Ruby Version
ruby 2.7.7p221 (2022-11-24 revision 168ec2b1e5) [x86_64-darwin22]
### Jekyll Version
jekyll 4.3.2
### GitHub Pages Version
_No response_
### …
The ancient version of the website had a map showing all plants. We should bring that back. Clicking a plant on the map could lead to a plant overview page (see #40 ).
This looks similar to https://github.com/Starefossen/docker-github-pages/issues/11 but I'm struggling to work through the dependencies to resolve it.
When I run the following command:-