### What is version of KubeKey has the issue?
### What is your os environment?
centos 7.9
### KubeKey config file
apiVersion: kubekey.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
### Application contact emails
sachidesai@microsoft.com, guofei@microsoft.com, ishaansehgal@microsoft.com, jpalma@microsoft.com, qike@microsoft.com
### Project Summary
KAITO automates the dep…
We should consider supporting a k8s-native worker pool for when Ray is being run with the k8s operator. This means launching worker processes in individual pods separate from the raylet pod, rather th…
ericl updated
5 months ago
* There are three components of kubevirt with default installation: kubevirt-handler, kubevirt-controller, kubevirt-api, and kubevirt-operator, the kubevirt-handler is a daemon set runn…
### Problem Description
rocm-smi --showpids
get_compute_process_info_by_pid, Not supported on the given system
get_compute_process_info_by_pid, Not supported on the given system
We tried to run the simulator on a beefy machine (40 cores, 4 GPUs) with a full team of robots (3 UGVs, 3 UAVs, approx. 30 cameras in total). Neither the CPUs nor any GPU were throttled to max, yet th…
peci1 updated
9 months ago
openpai/openpai-runtime container on pai-work node error log:
root@pai-worker1:/usr/local# docker logs 6e354aae0a40
+ trap exit_handler EXIT
Similar to MKE-3, let's have a section to list all sub component versions.
### What happened?
I have installed NVIDIA's gpu-operator to make gpus available in my cluster with the latest drivers. nvidia-nvml is installed on the system and the DCGM daemon ist also installed (…
In R2 we created an abstract interface for NF orchestration called NFTopology. However we do not have that kind of abstract interface for infrastructure orchestration ( cluster creation , deletion et…