I have installed nflgame using pip, and then successfully ran nflgame-update-players. I can run nflgame from the terminal as expected on all data.
Now, when using nflgame with IPython Notebook it is …
I believe this should output the string `abc`:
``` rust
macro_rules! rec(
() => ("");
($a:ident) => (stringify!($a));
($a:ident, $($rest:tt),*) => (
Running the following script:
xctool -project Foo.xcodeproj -scheme FooTests -sdk iphonesimulator7.0 clean build run-tests
Produces the following error on travis, but not locally.
the [example](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml#using-the-encodingtextunmarshaler-interface) can't run with error `2014/07/18 17:37:00 Near line 2, key '[song': Near line 2: Expected a top-level item…
Trying to load the rest of the 2014 schedule into the DB but throwing an error:
return super(RealDictCursor, self).execute(query, vars)
psycopg2.IntegrityError: new row for relation "game" violates ch…
aakar updated
10 years ago
After cloning the repository, I tried to run `cargo test`, but it fails with
docopt.rs/examples/macro.rs:4:18: 4:45 error: can't find crate for `docopt_macros`
docopt.rs/examples/macro.rs:4 #[pha…
Love the DB. Spotted an issue:
If I import the DB and run this query:
SELECT player.full_name, SUM(play_player.rushing_yds) AS rushing_yds
FROM play_player
LEFT JOIN player ON player.player_id …
I'm trying to use a regex library. But when I try to compile the code, this happens:
% rustc main.rs
refix/fixset.rs:2:18: 2:44 error: libregex-1cae1bee-0.11-pre.so: cannot open shared object fil…
suhr updated
10 years ago
# Updated description
This code should be rejected from the compiler, but it is not:
``` rustc
trait Foo {}
struct A;
impl Foo for A {}
impl Drop for A {
fn drop(&mut self) { println!("droppi…