Is this your preliminary version? I tried to run code on the MVTec-AD, and there are so many bugs, do you have a specific pytorch version? There are unexpected parameters in dataloader. Although, thes…
- Training the model using MVTec AD dataset without any Outlier Exposure seems to cause an error "AssertionError: binary labels required"
The input command is as below:
python .…
where is checkpoint? pretrained weights to reproduce your results?
When I run the test phase of this project(mvtec/carpet),I got this error:
train.py", line 333, in test_step
anomaly_map = score_patches[:,0].reshape((28,28))
ValueError: cannot reshape array …
我的版本是HDevelop 20.11 Progress - MVTec HALCON
(例如 license_support_halcon20.11_steady-dl_2021_08.dat),
-How can i make a prediction for an image?
-How can i train the model with my own data?
Hi. I am glad to see your answer.
I tried to run the program but got an error. This code does not seem to be in…
I tried to run the code with the carpet class of the MVTec AD, but the above error was yielded.
I followed the installation process but, even so, this error appeared. Any idea why?
python3 easyai/tools/feature_save/one_class_feature_save.py -t one_class -i /home/wfw/data/VOCdevkit/MVTec/bottle/ImageSets/train.txt -m PadimNet -w /home/wfw/workspace/HASCO/all_wights/wi…
Hello, wonder that meaning of target_transform in the process of loading a dataset (ImageFolder). intend?