Currently, the `IMultiTenantStrategy` and the `ITenantResolver` have methods requiring passing the HttpContext as an object, which doesn't seems needed, since it is accessible from the middlewares.
I try to compile and build rClr using VS2019 and R 3.6.0. The compilation works fine, but the build, using devtools::build, fails late in the process. Here are the error messages at the end of …
The build fail because the task has this error: ##[error]Package version is not in a valid version format.
our package version variable are:
Major: $(MajorVersion)
Minor: $(MinorVersion)
Build: …
In performance critical paths we are using `byte[]` as value type in reliable dictionaries and queues in hope of increasing performance.
But in fact the current implementation of `TStore` doesn't w…
I'm trying to set up a source browser for the [CoreWCF](https://github.com/CoreWCF/CoreWCF) project and would like all the links to the .NET types to go to https://source.dot.net. I used the following…
In this PR: https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/pull/14383 an additional (highly suspect .ToString() was need to get it to compile.
Without ToString():
严重性 代码 说明 项目 文件 行 禁止显示状态
错误 CS0738 '“IdentityService”不实现接口成员“IIdentityService.GetSelectRole(string)”。“IdentityService.GetSelectRole(string)”无法实现“IIdentityService.GetSelectRole(string)”,因为它没有“Tuple”的匹…
### Describe the problem you are trying to solve
I would like a warning like for example if one had the following on their csproj:
Building a graph containing packable (which triggers the nuget pack targets to run) projects that are not terminal leaves triggers the isolation constraints.
The pack logic is run on the outer buil…
**Version Used**:
- Local:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (3) (64-bit) - Current \ Version 17.1.0
- Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.1.0-5.22109.6 (0c82c411)
- Remote: