# Decompiler Research in 2024
## Security Top-4 Conferences
### NDSS
- DeGPT: Optimizing Decompiler Output with LLM
- Ahoy SAILR! There is No Need to DREAM of C: A Compiler-Aware St…
I'm currently working with Pybrain. It's wonderful as it allows me to use a feedforward neural net without the backpropagation function. This enables me to evolve the neural network's weights using ge…
Is it possible to change the color of the nodes and the background of the neural network?
I'm using a Windows environment, RTX 3080
when using the install neural_renderer_pytorch , an error is displayed:
error: command 'C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUD…
Good afternoon I tried converting rknn to a .pt model trained on the original ultralitics repository. But after converting the model to rknn, there were a large number of false and incorrect predictio…
See https://github.com/microprediction/timemachines/actions/runs/3261199292/jobs/5355610148
Hi, wu!
congratulations to you for unsup3d has been elected as the CVPR2020 best paper. Inspired from your repo, I just replace the neural renderer with **pytorch3d** point cloud renderer.
[Here](https://github.com/samuel-yeom/ml-privacy-csf18/files/5882657/nn.zip) is the code we used for the membership inference experiments on neural networks. The code is in Python 2 and was run with o…