PHP Fatal error: Class 'OpenConext\Component\StokerkMetadata\Stoker\MetadataIndex' not found in /opt/www/OpenConext-Stoker/src/Command/StokeCommand.php on line 115
Fatal error: Class 'OpenConext\Com…
Current command:
## Install from source
``` bash
git clone git@github.com:ibuildingsnl/OpenConext-stoker.git &&
cd OpenConext-stoker &&
composer install &&
Working command:
## Ins…
Command shown in readme:
cd /usr/local/bin &&
sudo wget https://github.com/ibuildingsnl/OpenConext-stoker/releases/download/0.3.2/ocstoker.phar &&
sudo ln -s ocstoker.phar ocstoker
Multiple issues…
Hello! I do some SAML test automation using Mujina as idp and company's software that I worked for as SP. This SP already has working SAML integration.
I just set Mujina's metadata.xml at my SP and …
When viewing violations on a policy, I get "The PDP application is currently unavailable".
Global violations view (/violations) works, specific ones fail (/violations/123)
This started after updatin…
With a `/src/main/resources/logback.xml` file in place, it's become useless to set `logging.config=file:/example-dir/logback.xml` because the one in the class-path will take precedence over the applic…
Logging in as a non-RA(A) will lead to a generic error message:
... and an exception…
I'm trying to bootstrap OC-dashboard, but both metadata-import (tested both XML and URL) fail with an error-message that doesn't make much sense to me:
> Aug 18 15:57:10 webapp-4.ext.moo-archive.nl…
Please update readme with the correct command: ./bin/ocstoke
I have the monitoring-tests working, but the only part of it that's not working is obtaining the OIDC token so it can test VOOT.
Looking at the monitoring-tests application configuration,…