I'm trying to use Razorpay razorpay-php library with composer in my package for laravel .
But I'm unable to include it in my project.
Error I'm getting is `Class 'Razorpay\\Api' not found`
My s…
i have gone through merchant panel and copy security api key and pasted it into manifest file then why I am getting this error, which is correct api key
We are testing out razorpay as our payment gateway. One of the features that we seek is subscription creation and updating using ruby-gem. Is it possible to do so?
The [secure_compare](https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-ruby/blob/master/lib/razorpay/utility.rb#L33) I think is faulty. I might be wrong.
I tried using the `verify_payment_signature` method provid…
## User Story
As an `Admin` I do not want to see any PHP notices
## Current Behavior
I currently see a PHP notices getting generated
## Expected Behavior
I expect no PHP notices
As per India's service tax regulations, an organization must file its service tax returns on or before the 5th of every month. Filing service tax returns requires the following process to be done:
1. …
So, i'm able to create invoices using the basic syntax as so:
Razorpay::Invoice.create amount: 100, currency: 'INR', description: 'Test description', type: 'link'
How do I include name an…
`ionic build android` fails.
To reproduce the error.
Please download the ionic 2 sample app from https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-cordova-sample-app and run the following commands
`npm in…
Here's my code:
$api = new \Razorpay\Api\Api(env('RAZORPAY_API_KEY'), env('RAZORPAY_API_SECRET'));
$response = $api->customer->fetch('CUSTOMER_ID')->edit([
'name' => 'Rohit Khatr…
Add support for
- Subscriptions
- Virtual Account
- Route