I get a RuntimeError when run the following command: ```python train.py subject=00018_rgbd datamodule=XHumans_rgbd_smplx experiments=XHumans_sdf_smplx datamodule.dataloader.dataset_path=/home/tiger/n…
Hello , Thank you very much for your excellent project. I have used PIXIE and PYMAF to output 3D model from 2D images.
So I already have 3D pkl and obj file with SMPL and SMPLX format.
I have trie…
I want to visualize smpl joints like this
But when I use pose_output.pred_xyz_jts_24_s…
I'm trying to run the following command
python smplifyx/main.py --config cfg_files/fit_smplx.yaml \
--data_folder /content/data \
--output_folder /content/data/smplifyx_results \
When I run the command
`python launch.py --config configs/test.yaml --train --gpu 0 system.prompt_processor.prompt="A boy with a beanie wearing a hoodie and joggers"`
The following error is repor…
I would like to export the smpl model with joints, trans and beta information. Any idea how I get it?
Thanks very much for sharing this wonderful project! I am new in this field and ECON is my first try to generate an avatar from single image. After runing the code, I found the parameter of the model …
Hi, I was managing to render your UBody dataset. But I found the format is a bit different from the network predictions. Is there a script to do this? I could already visualize the mesh by projection,…
I'm trying to execute the algorithm:
`python smplifyx/main.py --config cfg_files/fit_smplx.yaml \
--data_folder /content/movies \
--output_folder /content/movies/results \