Context names should be translatable, pretty much in the same way provider names are
How to add a media entry (image) to a post?
It seems that the bundle was ment to work with SonataMediaBundle and include thumbnails of images we could upload to an article / post, but I cant seem to …
ghost updated
12 years ago
- http://symfony2bundles.org/sonata-project/SonataNewsBundle
- http://symfony2bundles.org/dustin10/VichBlogBundle
Hi im' uploading some medias in my database through the sonatamediabundle
well in the AddMediaCommand I would like to change the copyright and i add some text of my own
here is the code
if ($input-…
In production the markdown parser doesnot correctly parse the images. On production a `` tag is parsed to nothing. Just leaves the a blank space, so the literal tag is parsed but to nothing instead of…
LiipImagineBundle requires imagine lib at **
This is just a couple of things I've found using the sandbox:
1. autoload.php, line 58 should be:
``` php
'SimpleThings' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
for the version you're refere…
this distribuition did not work for me.
I get
Fatal error: Class 'Sonata\AdminBundle\SonataAdminBundle' not found.
It seems like composer did not create autoloader data for sonata?
I was trying to install SonataMediaBundle today, with dev-master, it raised this exception.
``` shell
[ErrorException] …
I am using this bundle with SonataMediaBundle. Unfortunately I get this error:
Length of either side cannot be 0 or negative, current size is 0x0
at Box ->__construct ('0', '0')
in vendor\imagi…