Union types express a subtyping relationship, but I am unclear as to whether typeclasses (i.e. Rust's traits) do?
If a `trait B` extends another `trait A` and `B` reuses the implementations of `A`, c…
This has been discussed repeatedly, but it's important to get right if we want widespread adoption. Some references:
No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineeringby Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.Originally appeared in:Brooks, Frederick P., "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering,…
Thank you for a wonderful package for ipw analysis.
Using the causallib package, I analyzed survival outcomes for cancer patient data.
But, there is no statistical method to show the difference of …
### Description:
I've discovered a bug that impacts the integrity of dataset resampling, specifically with year range calculations in the presence of boundary (cross year) intervals. The issue occu…
**Submitting author:** @lizliz (Elizabeth Munch)
**Repository:** https://github.com/TeaspoonTDA/teaspoon
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss-paper
**Version:** 1.5.7
**Editor:** @…
I'm trying to achieve faceted KM plots. Your package makes it awesome easy with geom_XX syntax. Much easier than in other packages. It works for the geom_km (with the issue that it doesn't s…
As [noted by @arielb1](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/30500#issuecomment-167415377), we need an organized place for resolving questions about the Rust memory model.
While I could have made …
The Translator consortium wants knowledge_level / agent_type (KL/AT) edge-attributes added to all edges.
The format for the edge-attributes is something like this:
### Search before asking
- [x] I have searched the YOLOv8 [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues) and found no similar bug report.
### YOLOv8 Component
Detection, Other