Heard more feedback that endog and exog are a stumbling block for new users. These were people who know stats, they just don't come from econometrics background. I think we should deprecate and move t…
Devilsfilm 'full films' are being filled as 'Dvd Info' for the title, and empty descriptions/no images.
The tabs for the separate platforms (`kafka`, `kstreams`, and `ksql`) are super handy. What would we think of extending the tabbing system to the three...let's call them "modalities," so we can sound …
- Documentation Report
The field teams have a lot of great tips and tricks …
Right now users will oftentimes lose their place on the list view because clicking on a project does not open in another tab. Opening project in another tab also means the coordinates and zoom level o…
This issue is a particular example of #1984.
`unserialize` php function is called on user data in function `postcalendar_user_submit` of `interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pnuser.php`:
Some default settings should be changed:
`TabSize` should be 4. It's uncommon to see tab sizes at 3.
Auios updated
5 years ago
The "Send to device" command is intermittently failing. I am updating meta data on existing books on the iDevice (i.e. Marvin configured to update rather than do nothing on existing). I have been ab…
This proposal is to change global const syntax from `const a = b;` to simply `a = b;`. Combining this proposal with #1717, here is Hello World:
std = @import("std");
pub main = fn() !voi…
Got this error while using pip caching. I had to turn off caching in order for install to finish successfully. This is on 1.5.4. This is on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.
Downloading/unpacking backports.ss…