1. ASSERT: use latest minikube with `--kubernetes-version=v1.22.1`
2. ASSERT: make sure that you have custorm resource definitions
3. EXEC: in tool window/resource tree: unfold "Custom R…
In the docs -- https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers/blob/master/docs/eventlisteners.md#serviceaccountname -- it states that ServiceAccountName is required. In our environment an EventListener author w…
# Versions and Operating System
- Kubernetes version:
**Output of `kubectl version`:**
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.0", GitCommit:"5797eaec…
[jwarnica@jwarnica crc-linux-1.22.0-amd64]$ oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/pipelines-tutorial/master/03_triggers/03_trigger.yaml
Error from server (BadRequest): error when c…
This website aggregates content from many repos. We would like to be able to trigger a build on any content update. Either via bots or manually, or via chat-ops or on PR merge in that other repo (base…
# Expected Behavior
The event listener pod should only receive traffic when it signaled readiness when using Knative Services.
# Actual Behavior
The event listener pod might receive traffic earli…
# Expected Behavior
Was not expecting the workspace to be accessible during build of the image
# Actual Behavior
The workspace mounted in the task container is visible during docker build executi…
Trying to apply the following listner to okd 4.7, can anyone tell me what's wrong with my definition?
I also attached the yaml file to.
apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: EventListe…
`vscode-kubernetes-tools` can provide recommendation to install extensions base on current k8s cluster CRS's.
This mostly the same as [Workspace recommended extensions](https://code.visualstudio.com…
### Feature request
The goal is to implement the design described in [TEP-0033](https://github.com/tektoncd/community/blob/main/teps/0033-tekton-feature-gates.md) for features. This will allow Trig…