Got this error on WebDriverManager 5.3.2 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hc/core5/http/ClassicHttpRequest when Using Chrome 109 on windows 11
package main.java.test.java.sele…
It would be really nice if TestContainers supported [podman](https://podman.io/).
This is a real game changer to no longer depend on Docker daemons to run.
## The problem
The ScreenShooter rule saves onfailure screenshots in a single folder with a time based filename. This makes it hard to tell what the screenshot relates to. It would be more useful i…
A couple of `AssertionError` were captured in this failing test suite `TestNormalize` at https://github.com/ibmruntimes/openj9-openjdk-jdk20/blob/openj9/test/jdk/java/foreign/normalize/TestNormalize.j…
I looked through all of the issues I could find on this project that related to dataproviders and retry logic and nothing seemed to be similar to what I'm about to ask. If I missed the appropriate exi…
### What happened?
I've copy pasted the exact same code of both the config.toml file and dynamic grid compose file. Then i've run the "docker compose up" command and run a test. According to the conf…
When comparing abstractions (e.g. Map) via `assertEquals(expected, actual)`, it's more likely that `actual` is a custom class. If there's a bug in the `equals()` implementation, it could be caught by …
When I try to change the value of "autoGrantPermissions" on MobileCapabilities, I get an error "Multiple entries with same key: appium:autoGrantPermissions=false and appium:autoGrantPermissions=true""…
tests | 2022-07-16 00:57:47 INFO: FAILURE / io.trino.tests.product.deltalake.TestDeltaLakeAlterTableCompatibility.testCommentOnColumn (Groups: profile_specific_tests, delta-l…
### TestNG Version
Currently, I'm using listener via ServiceLoader.
public class TestNgAlterSuiteListener implements IAlterSuiteListener {
public void alter(…