iOS and tvOS native players incorrectly handle the situation where there are two tracks in the same language (for example: regular and 5.1 sound). I'm looking for a way to remove the default tr…
started a new blank react native project
react-native init AwesomeProject
yarn add react-native-lock
react-native link
throws error [!] The target `AwesomeProject-tvOSTests` is declared twice.…
In Certain scenarios Users do not want to install all workloads
### Before opening the issue, have you...?
- [X] Searched for existing issues
- [X] Looked through common issues
- [X] Updated plugin to the latest version (if applicable)
### Describe Your Problem
please add the latest videos...
tvOS 13's new videos are available
### Summary
After adding expo-updates we noticed a black screen appearing in the middle of splash screen in production builds. We found that by removing assets from the the project the black screen…
### Describe the bug
1. In the application settings, under Experimental, enable the native player.
2. Play an H264-encoded video. See that it plays correctly.
3. Play a VP9-encoded video. See that …
We need a player for tvOS
pvegh updated
4 years ago
If we only change the apitests for Mac OS X there is no reason to run all the tests on the iOS/tvOS devices, consumes resources and will give the same results.
what do you think of this?
i'm going to buy and test it.. sounds working