Using `fetch-revision=systemd` on 16.0, just to see if we can upgrade to systemd baureo based dis…
root@webconverger:~# systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 9673ms (kernel) + 8638ms (userspace) = 18312ms
root@webconverger:~# systemd-analyze blame
5103ms live-config.service
1998ms keyboard-setup…
reminder for me to recompile the package to remove the file menu.
John is reporting that HTTPS connections aren't going through his proxy in the current version, whilst it worked correctly in http://archive.webconverger.com/webc-12.3.iso
How about changing the /etc/webc/configuring.png icon to that found here: http://www.iconfinder.com/icondetails/8844/128/kit_tools_wrench_icon. The configuring.png icon does not have a transparent bac…
The problem is the restoring of cmdline settings here: https://github.com/Webconverger/webc/blob/master/etc/webc/live-config.sh#L148 are only applied AFTER https://github.com/Webconverger/webc/blob/m…
20:12 hendry: ^^ previous discussion is a reason to revert the first part of
20:13 hendry: a…