I'm trying to follow along this tutorial [here](http://aiida-core.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer_guide/devel_tutorial/code_plugin_int_sum.html), but several errors show up. This code is inside the…
The version of `aiida-core` that will come after `v0.11.0` will contain the improved workflow engine. With that there will be some minor backwards incompatible changes to the API that will affect the …
This is a basic question about plugin design.
I have a binary (zeo++) that produces several small output files, some of which I will parse, and some of which I won't. Which output files are produce…
Hi everyone, I'm trying to run the following basic command:
`$launch_calculation_pw -c pw6.2.1_personal@danielLocal -p SSSP_accuracy -s 87`
But I'm getting the following exception:
As is descried in the release note of AiiDA, after the version 0.11.0, plugins can now add custom commands to `verdi data`. So is it a choice for our cp2k plugin to store the `BASIS_MOLOPT`
and `GTH_…
To reproduce, use this `test_12.py`
from aiida.utils.fixtures import PluginTestCase
class TestCase1(PluginTestCase):
Test the PluginTestcase from utils.fixtures
The CP2K plugin is looking for `aiida-1.restart` in order to parse the coordinates from it by the scheme `X 1 2 3\newline`:
- [ ] `common_bashrc_string` : is this dependency really necessary? this would add a new variable to quite a few roles...
Even using virtual environments, one cannot easily switch between very different AiiDA versions (e.g. if there are configuration change requiring a migration), because the .aiida folder is always name…
Originally reported by: **Giovanni Pizzi (Bitbucket: [pizzi](https://bitbucket.org/pizzi), GitHub: [giovannipizzi](https://github.com/giovannipizzi))**
Due t…